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刘学鹏 《探矿工程》2022,49(2):110-116
温敏形状记忆聚合物是形状记忆材料的一种,其结构中存在记忆起始形状的固定相和随温度变化能可逆地固化和软化的可逆相。本文将这种材料性能应用于石油工程的固井领域,利用温敏聚合物温敏形变的特点,在井下温度升高时激发粒子形变形成大形变体,为封堵漏失层提供架桥结构,解决固井水泥浆防漏堵漏效果差、水泥车不能泵送较大尺寸颗粒的难题。研制的温敏堵漏材料初始粒径1 mm,达到温敏点后体积形变膨胀,应用温度60~140 ℃,加量0~2% BWOC;据此构建的温敏堵漏水泥浆体系,能有效封堵2 mm的缝隙板,承压7 MPa。温敏堵漏水泥浆先后在东北分公司北209井、北8井、北213-1井等的尾管或油层固井中进行了现场应用,尤其在北213-1井的固井堵漏过程中有效解决了固井漏失难题。  相似文献   
固井质量对干热岩后期开发利用具有重要意义。针对山西大同盆地干热岩勘查井GR1井温度高、高温固井水泥浆技术体系不完善等问题,通过研究勘查区地质特征,提出了高温固井水泥浆技术体系开发思路。研究表明:干热岩高温固井水泥浆水胶比控制为0.45,优选添加剂高温降失水剂CG82L、高温缓凝剂H40L、高温稳定剂CF40L、消泡剂GX-1、硅粉及HV-PAC,形成一套适用于山西干热岩井的高温固井水泥浆技术体系。该水泥浆体系在GR1井成功应用,现场固井质量良好,研究成果为今后同类型高温固井工作提供了宝贵经验和技术支撑。  相似文献   
红层泥质胶结物在干燥条件下会因含水率变化产生开裂,裂缝进一步发展贯通最终导致红层泥岩崩解破坏。目前对红层泥岩崩解机制的研究多为定性描述,缺乏定量分析方法。因此,定量研究红层泥质胶结物开裂的产生及扩展对深化红层泥岩崩解理论研究具有重要意义。基于线弹性断裂力学及非饱和土力学,建立了考虑含水率变化的红层泥质胶结物裂缝深度及间距计算公式,并对公式参数敏感性进行了分析。应用CT试验数据对PFC2D数值模型进行了校准,并基于干缩开裂数值试验结果,对裂缝深度及间距计算公式进行了对比验证。结果表明:提出的计算公式能较好地预测红层泥质胶结物的开裂深度及间距,裂缝深度随含水率减小呈先快速增加再缓慢增长的特点。研究成果有助于加深对红层泥岩崩解的量化理论分析,并为预测工程中红层泥岩的开裂程度提供参考。  相似文献   
水泥稳定粉砂土抗渗性能受粉砂土自身渗透性能、水泥用量、水灰比等因素影响显著,如何在提升其抗渗性能的同时降低水泥用量是提升工程经济效益的关键。通过开展不同水泥偏高岭土掺比、初始用水量、水泥偏高岭土总掺量以及养护龄期条件下的室内渗透试验,研究了上述因素对水泥偏高岭土复合稳定粉砂土抗渗性能的影响规律,探讨了上述因素及无侧限抗压强度与渗透系数之间的经验关系。结果表明:水泥与偏高岭土掺比为5:1时,水泥偏高岭土复合稳定粉砂土抗渗性能最佳,且该掺比不随水泥偏高岭土总掺量的改变而变化;水泥偏高岭土复合稳定粉砂土渗透系数随初始用水量增加呈非线性递增,随水泥偏高岭土总掺量增加和养护龄期发展呈先快后慢降低;基于试验结果归纳提出了4个关于初始用水量、水泥偏高岭土总掺量、养护龄期和无侧限抗压强度的水泥偏高岭土复合稳定粉砂土渗透系数经验模型。研究成果可为水泥稳定粉砂土抗渗性能提升提供理论参考与借鉴。  相似文献   
Discoveries of deep high-quality carbonate reservoirs challenged the general understanding on the evolution of porosity decreasing with depth. New mechanisms of pore generation and preservation in the deep realm require to be proposed. Dolostones in the Feixianguan and Dengying Formations experienced maximum depths in excess of 8000 m, but still retained high porosity. Petrographic observation and homogenization temperatures help to identify products of deep fluid-rock interactions, visual and experimental porosity were used to quantify reservoir effects, the distribution of products finally being plotted to unravel the mechanisms. Th data reveal that thermochemical sulfate reduction (TSR), burial dissolution and quartz cementation are typical deep fluid-rock interactions. The SO42? of residual porewater sourced from the evaporative dolomitizing fluid was supplied for TSR in the hydrocarbon column, the TSR-inducing calcite cements were homogeneously dispersed in the hydrocarbon column. Quartz cementation was caused by the increasing acidity and Si-rich residual porewater in the oil column. Burial dissolution is forced by organic acid and limited in oil–water contact. This study suggests that seal and source rocks not only play important roles in hydrocarbon accumulation, but also have a general control on the deep fluid-rock interactions and porosity evolution in the deep burial realm.  相似文献   
Calcite cements are volumetrically dominant among the most diagenetic constituents in turbidite sandstones of the Paleogene Shahejie Formation in the Dongying Depression. The results show carbonate cements mainly occur in three phases: Calcite I (pre-compaction), Calcite II (post-compaction) and ankerite in the turbidite sandstone. The isotopic composition of Calcite I and Calcite II range from ?4.3‰ to 4.4‰, ?3.5‰ to 4.3‰ PDB, respectively, suggesting that the calcite cements are mainly derived from the interbedded shales. The early calcite cement precipitated from the mixing of lacustrine and meteoric waters at 38–69°C. The late-phase calcite precipitated from pore waters modified by water-rock interactions at 64–126°C. Two distribution patterns of calcite cements can be identified, depending on their position within the sandstone. The peripheral cementation of the sandstones is near the sand-shale contact. The development of cement is controlled by sandstone thickness and the properties of the interbedded shale. For scattered cementation, the distribution of the calcite cement is not controlled by the sand-shale contact. Calcite cement was preferentially distributed in coarse-grained sandstones, indicating that sandstones with high original permeability are the preferred pathway for the migration of early diagenetic fluids.  相似文献   
延安地区中侏罗统安定组中产有陆相泥灰岩,CaO含量低于30%,且SiO_2、MgO含量高,通常不作为水泥原料。上新统三趾马红土中产有层状料僵石,两者搭配首次在φ1.5×6m普立窑中烧制出质量高的425水泥,为水泥原料贫乏的延安地区开发低品位劣质原料开辟了新途径。  相似文献   
The ground water flow path of the coastal area in the Yellow Sea, Korea, was interpreted using both the cross‐correlation analysis of hydraulic properties and the principal component analysis (PCA) of ground water chemistry. Data was obtained from observation wells in the underground liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cavern constructed in the coastal area of Pyeongtaek. Cross‐correlation results showed that the operating pressure became more influenced on artificial factors for the variation of the groundwater level of the study area (45–66% of correlation coefficient) even though its affecting area was limited to the region with fractures or faults, and also showed that the delay time from the variation of operating pressure to the fluctuation of ground water level were relatively long periods (28–31 days). Three hydrogeochemical events (encrusted cement dissolution, host rock dissolution, and seawater intrusion), which were dominantly influenced on ground water quality, could be induced from the result of PCA. Quantitative evaluation for these events using the mixed equation with principal component scores suggest that the dissolution of encrusted cement materials was the predominant factor (39·0% of the total mixed proportion) to change the chemical composition of the seepage water during the ground water flow from the observation wells to the cavern. Integration of the statistical results also imply that ground water flow and hydrogeochemistry were predominantly affected by artificial factors such as cavern operation pressure and dissolution of encrusted cement materials, which were interdependent factors on the observation wells with high cross‐correlation coefficients and pH. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
熔盐电解法是制备镁合金的一种有效的方法,与熔炼法相比,合金成分偏析较少,产品质量较高。综述了熔盐电解法制备镁合金的研究进展,并分析了研究现状。提出镁合金的熔盐电解制备有很强的应用背景,与产业化研发相关的工作值得关注。  相似文献   
赵振云  孙智杰 《探矿工程》2014,41(12):27-30
以山西潞安集团和顺李阳煤业有限公司大水位落差深井止水修复方案及实施效果为工程实例,对该工程先后实施的管内注浆法、管外注浆法、衬管固井法、同径水泥架桥法、泄压通桥法等止水修复方案进行了详细分析,总结了其成功的经验,可为类似旧井修复工程或新井施工工程提供借鉴和指导。  相似文献   
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